
Actualité comptable à Paris 16 et Nice

An outsourced CFO?

article published on 01 August 2024

An outsourced CFO? But what is it? Who is it? Why do it? From when? Many questions to which I will try to provide some answers.

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Actualité comptable à Paris 16 et Nice

Accounting delays

article published on 01 December 2024

Sometimes, at a certain point, the manager no longer keeps the company's accounts, no longer draws up the balance sheets, no longer fulfills his tax obligations.

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Actualité comptable à Paris 16 et Nice

Executive travel expenses

article published on 12 January 2024

It's a happy subject for the tax authorities (who refuse to allow deductibility) and URSSAF (who treat it as remuneration with social security charges), and needs to be treated with care.

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